Americans Consume Too Much Salt.
Americans' true-love of zest has continued unabated in the 21st century, putting mortals at jeopardize for high blood pressure, the unrivalled cause of heart attack and stroke, US fettle officials said Thursday. In 2010, more than 90 percent of US teenagers and adults consumed more than the recommended levels of punch - about the same several as in 2003, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in Dec 2013. "Salt intake in the US has changed very minuscule in the persist decade," said CDC medical dignitary and broadcast co-author Dr Niu Tian And ignoring a pocket-sized release in salt consumption among kids younger than 13, the researchers found 80 percent to 90 percent of kids still do in more than the supply recommended by the Institute of Medicine.
And "There are many organizations that are focused on reducing dietary piquancy intake," said Dr Gregg Fonarow, a spokesman for the American Heart Association and a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. "More capable efforts are needed if the ascendancy of remaining dietary rock-salt intake is to be reduced," Fonarow said melatrol. The CDC has suggested coupling salt-reduction efforts with the against on rotundity as a method to conflict both problems at the same time.
New coterie food guidelines might also be warranted, the put out suggested. Samantha Heller, a elder clinical nutritionist at the NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, said reducing dietary relish is important for both adults and children. "What is so distressing is that this clock in indicates that eight out of 10 kids grey 1 to 3 years old, and nine out of 10 over 4 years old, are eating too much seasoning and are at endanger for important blood pressure natural. Most of this briny comes from processed foods and restaurant meals, not the brackish shaker on the table, Heller said.
That means it's reasonable that much of the viands these children eat is fast food, garbage food and processed food, she said. "This translates into a high-salt, high-fat and high-sugar sustenance that can pass to a number of serious health problems down the road. In addition, both near and processed commons alters taste expectations, supreme to constant parental complaints that their kids won't break bread anything but chicken nuggets and marketable dogs, Heller said.
вторник, 15 апреля 2014 г.
среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.
Flu Vaccination Is Needed For Cancer Patients
Flu Vaccination Is Needed For Cancer Patients.
People with cancer finish a higher peril for honest flu-related complications, so getting vaccinated should be at the first-rate of their to-do catalogue this winter, an expert says in Dec 2013. "The flu buckshot is recommended annually for cancer patients, as it is the most striking way to fend influenza and its complications," Dr Mollie deShazo, an accomplice professor of medicine in the division of hematology and oncology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said in a despatch release vigrx box. "The flu vaccine significantly lowers the danger of acquiring the flu.
It is not 100 percent effective, but it is the best aid we have". Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections and heed infections are examples of flu-related complications, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is recommended that anyone who has not done so already get a flu shot, deShazo said resimleri. Although this year's flu mature is off to a dead sponsorship nationally, the tons of cases in the south-central United States is no time increasing, with five deaths already reported in Texas.
People with cancer finish a higher peril for honest flu-related complications, so getting vaccinated should be at the first-rate of their to-do catalogue this winter, an expert says in Dec 2013. "The flu buckshot is recommended annually for cancer patients, as it is the most striking way to fend influenza and its complications," Dr Mollie deShazo, an accomplice professor of medicine in the division of hematology and oncology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said in a despatch release vigrx box. "The flu vaccine significantly lowers the danger of acquiring the flu.
It is not 100 percent effective, but it is the best aid we have". Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections and heed infections are examples of flu-related complications, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is recommended that anyone who has not done so already get a flu shot, deShazo said resimleri. Although this year's flu mature is off to a dead sponsorship nationally, the tons of cases in the south-central United States is no time increasing, with five deaths already reported in Texas.
четверг, 3 апреля 2014 г.
Sexting Can Be Dangerous For Teens
Sexting Can Be Dangerous For Teens.
Sexting is sending out sexually unequivocal workbook messages or photos by cellphone - is sort of common among teens, a budding Belgian study finds in Dec 2013. And lord pressure, the examination for romance and trust that the recipient will respond absolutely seem to be the key factors driving sexts. Adolescents show to take a mostly benign view of the practice, the researchers found, abode little on the dormant for negative fallout down the road effects. Warnings by parents or teachers against the exercise appear to fall on deaf ears, with many teens unconcerned about parental monitoring of their phones or the likely for make or future risk to their reputation.
And "During adolescence, youthful people search their sexuality and identity, and form different kinds of friendships, including their from the start romantic relationships," said bone up lead author Michel Walrave, an affiliate professor in the department of communication studies at the University of Antwerp. "In this context," he said, "sexting can be employed to embody their intrigue in a potential partner," to maintain intimacy while dating, to engross in "truth-or-dare" flirting or to earn bragging rights to each peers The jeopardy of unintended consequences is the problem.
So "As words and images sent can be clearly copied and transmitted, sexting messages can briskly spread to audiences that were not intended by the sender of the message. This can seduce the status of the depicted girl or boy, and margin to mockery or even bullying". The study appeared online in a modern issue of the journal Behavior and Information Technology provillus. The researchers conducted a written investigation amongst nearly 500 Belgian girls and boys between the ages of 15 and 18 who were attending two particular unoriginal schools.
More than a post of the kids said they had sent out a sext during the two months greatest up to the poll. Girls were found to have a on the whole more negative view of sexting than boys. However, boys and girls already in falsely incautious relationships seemed relatively disposed to clutch a behavior they perceived - rightly or wrongly - as satisfying and desirable among their peers, the researchers found. The bottom thread is that any intervention aimed at curbing teen sexting needs to accost the dominating social environment.
That is, one in which risky, frank communications with a high future for blowback are viewed positively by friends and libidinous partners. "Our study observed that especially the on of peers is important in predicting sexting behavior. Why? "Adolescents may be more focused on the short-term unequivocal consequences of sexting, such as gaining notoriety of a desired other, than on the reasonable underestimated short-term and long-term anti consequences. "Raising awareness at drill could alert young people to the risks of sharing sexually chum content with a romantic partner, especially if the science fiction sours".
Sexting is sending out sexually unequivocal workbook messages or photos by cellphone - is sort of common among teens, a budding Belgian study finds in Dec 2013. And lord pressure, the examination for romance and trust that the recipient will respond absolutely seem to be the key factors driving sexts. Adolescents show to take a mostly benign view of the practice, the researchers found, abode little on the dormant for negative fallout down the road effects. Warnings by parents or teachers against the exercise appear to fall on deaf ears, with many teens unconcerned about parental monitoring of their phones or the likely for make or future risk to their reputation.
And "During adolescence, youthful people search their sexuality and identity, and form different kinds of friendships, including their from the start romantic relationships," said bone up lead author Michel Walrave, an affiliate professor in the department of communication studies at the University of Antwerp. "In this context," he said, "sexting can be employed to embody their intrigue in a potential partner," to maintain intimacy while dating, to engross in "truth-or-dare" flirting or to earn bragging rights to each peers The jeopardy of unintended consequences is the problem.
So "As words and images sent can be clearly copied and transmitted, sexting messages can briskly spread to audiences that were not intended by the sender of the message. This can seduce the status of the depicted girl or boy, and margin to mockery or even bullying". The study appeared online in a modern issue of the journal Behavior and Information Technology provillus. The researchers conducted a written investigation amongst nearly 500 Belgian girls and boys between the ages of 15 and 18 who were attending two particular unoriginal schools.
More than a post of the kids said they had sent out a sext during the two months greatest up to the poll. Girls were found to have a on the whole more negative view of sexting than boys. However, boys and girls already in falsely incautious relationships seemed relatively disposed to clutch a behavior they perceived - rightly or wrongly - as satisfying and desirable among their peers, the researchers found. The bottom thread is that any intervention aimed at curbing teen sexting needs to accost the dominating social environment.
That is, one in which risky, frank communications with a high future for blowback are viewed positively by friends and libidinous partners. "Our study observed that especially the on of peers is important in predicting sexting behavior. Why? "Adolescents may be more focused on the short-term unequivocal consequences of sexting, such as gaining notoriety of a desired other, than on the reasonable underestimated short-term and long-term anti consequences. "Raising awareness at drill could alert young people to the risks of sharing sexually chum content with a romantic partner, especially if the science fiction sours".
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